I never wanted this bowl of porridge to end, but alas, it did. So I just keep making more 😉 The low FODMAP diet says that you should avoid gluten as well if you can so I am making a conscious effort to choose foods without it. I love my oats though so for me this was a bit earth shattering.

Although it was kind of a blessing in disease because it made me rediscover quinoa flakes. I forgot how great they were to make porridge out of. This dish was so, so yummy & nourishing, just looking at it makes me want to go and get the saucepan out!

All these toppings are my go to and are the perfect combination of creaminess, nuttiness, texture and sweetness, argh, so good.

I love eating this in my ugg boots & my grandpa’s cashmere sweater with a pot of green tea beside me ❆

So next time you go to make some porridge why not swap oats for some quinoa flakes and see what you think.


Gluten free ~ Dairy free  ~ Refined Sugar Free ~ Real Food


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Serves one (large)

1/2 a cup of Quinoa Flakes

3/4 cup of Almond Milk

1/4 teaspoon of Cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon of Vanilla paste

1 teaspoon Chia Seeds



Drizzle of Maple Syrup / Honey if not low LODMAP

Nut butter – I used almond



Bee pollen

Toasted seeds


Add everything to a saucepan on low heat, stirring occasionally


Remove from heat when quite hot and all the milk has been absorbed


Sprinkle and drizzle your desired toppings and sit comfortably and eat slowly ❤

NEXT POST: Choc, Acai pancakes Ft. Loving Earth

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