You all know how I love my bowl foods. Particularly those involving japanesey ingredients ❤❤❤ So when Australian Organic gave me some goodies to play with and I saw these delicious fresh black fungi mushrooms at the farmers markets I knew some kind of mushroom noodle bowl had to be made. If you can’t get your hands on these just use shiitake or oyster – all mushrooms are amazingggg. I’ve been making my own bone broth lately,  I started doing it for Blaze when he was sick but know am continuing to make it for us because its so darn tasty, easy and nutritious. Particularly for my gut ! I love using it instead of normal stocks in soups and risottos.


Today I’m writing from a sunny little nook in Wensleydale. Such a beautiful winters day here, still, sunny with the tiniest chill in the air, perfect. Coming back to here always provides a sense of peacefulness, which after the past few weeks I definitely need. I get to spend time with friends and family I haven’t seen in ages, try out some recipes I haven’t gotten around to yet and have different scenery to take some photos in. I might even get a moment to read my book near the fire 🙂

This wagon wheel idea came to me as soon as I saw Table of Plenty’s rice cakes. The shape and the colour just screamed ‘healthy wagon wheels’, and I was more than happy to do so, I knew they could only be delicious.

Super simple and full of great real ingredients they turned out better than I’d even expected. Plus they are oh so pretty. The rice cakes are crunchy and with a touch of sweetness plus they are >> wholegrain, gluten free, fructose friendly and all natural. They soften a bit if you leave the cashew and jam filling in there for a while, equally as yummy as when they are crunchy.


The perfect dish to enjoy during the depths of winter, depths meaning a low of 10 degrees here on the Gold Coast 😉

It still does feel actually cold sometimes though, and I’m going to make the most of it and enjoy all my favourite winter dishes and lots of hot drinks.

I made this crumble for Table of Plenty, their muesli was made for this. I love making my own muesli but it was so handy to have their box ready to go, particularly during uni when every hour in the kitchen makes me feel slightly guilty because I’m not studying, sigh #williteverbeover. I love the beautiful crunch from the nuts and seeds in this muesli and the warming vanilla scent, it pairs beautifully with the apples. Plus leftovers = the most amazing breakfast !

You’ll be able to find this recipe and a couple more (Dukkah Tempeh bowl and Healthy Wagon Wheels) in their Winter Warmers Ebook here, so exciting !


Hi guys ❤ It’s been way, way too long since I’ve been able to have the time to write a blog post. It feels so nice and natural to be back at it again. Uni, moving/building house, ear operations etc have all taken over my life but if you have been following me on Instagram and Facebook you’ll know that I’ve still be cooking and creating.

Since it’s been a while here’s a little update on what Paradise Pantry and I have been up to ⇨

◇ Goodness Me Box recipe here (more to come)

◇ Made it through my first semester of third year Nutrition and Dietetics (by some miracle)

◇ Most of you will know from my social media posts but we had to say goodbye to our beautiful dog Blaze, he was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease which seemed to be getting better but in the end his little body just couldn’t cope 🙁 we miss him terribly.

◇ Demolishing our block of land next week to build a duplex (surreal)

◇ Have become addicted to Calmer Sutra Tea’s new super spiced cacao and Outlander (show on Netflix, not the car)

◇ Cannot get enough of Earth and Baker’s amazing work, their bowl is used below


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